Amiga Plus 2000 #4
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590 lines
; $VER: Install_Miami 3.2b2 (29.10.99)
(procedure P-check-system-version
(if (< (/ @installer-version 65536) 43)
(abort "The Miami installation script needs Installer\n"
"version 43 or higher. It is available from Aminet\n"
"and from www.nordicglobal.com")
(set #exec-version (/ (getversion) 65536))
(if (< #exec-version 37)
(abort "Miami needs Kickstart 2.04 or higher.\n")
(if (< #exec-version 39)
(set #ag-browser "AmigaGuide")
(set #ag-browser "MultiView")
(set #wb-version (/ (getversion "LIBS:workbench.library") 65536))
(procedure P-select-destination-directory
(if (exists "Miami:" (noreq))
(set #old-miami-assign 1)
(set #old-miami-assign-location (expandpath "Miami:"))
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Select the directory where you want to "
"install Miami 3.2b. You already have a 'Miami:' "
"assign on your system, so it is assumed that this "
"is the location of an older version of Miami that "
"you want to upgrade.")
(help "Select the directory where you want to "
"install Miami 3.2b. Since you already have a 'Miami:' "
"assign on your system you should probably accept "
"the default.")
(default "Miami:")
) (
(set #old-miami-assign 0)
(if (exists "Work:" (noreq))
(set @default-dest "Work:")
(set @default-dest "SYS:")
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Select the directory where you want to "
"install Miami 3.2b. An additional directory "
"will *NOT* be created at the location you specify.")
(help "Select the directory where you want to "
"install Miami 3.2b. All necessary files will be copied "
"to that directory during installation. A new directory "
"will *NOT* be created at the location you specify. "
"This means if you want Miami to be installed in its "
"own directory then you need to create that directory "
"yourself first.")
(default @default-dest)
(makeassign "Miami" @default-dest)
(procedure P-select-binary
(set #cpu-choice (if (patmatch "68000|68010" (database "cpu")) 0 1))
(set #cpu-choice
(prompt "Please select which version of\nMiami you want to use:")
(help "Miami exists in a 68000 version,\n and a 68020 version.\n"
"One of these versions will be installed.")
(choices "68000/010 version" "68020/030/040/060 version")
(default #cpu-choice)
(procedure P-check-binary
(set #bin-choice
(select #cpu-choice
(if (not (exists (tackon #source-dir #bin-choice)))
(abort "Before you can install Miami you first need to\n"
"download and unpack the archive that contains the Miami\n"
"binary you want to install.")
(procedure P-select-guis
(set #gui-options
(prompt "Please select which GUI modules you want to use with Miami. The "
"MUI and MUIMWB modules need MUI 3.8 or higher, which has to be installed "
"BEFORE installing Miami. The ClassAct modules require ClassAct, preferably "
"the version included in OS 3.5.")
(help "Miami supports several different user interface engines: "
"MUI, MUIMWB (a version of the MUI module with additional images, "
"for screens with 8 or more colors), GTLayout "
"(using gtlayout.library, creating GadTools gadgets) and ClassAct "
"(should only be used with the OS 3.5 version of ClassAct, because "
"earlier versions may cause incorrect behavior with some gadgets). Please select "
"which ones you want to install.")
(choices "MUI" "MUIMWB (MUI with MagicWB-style images)" "GTLayout" "ClassAct")
(if (= #gui-options 0)
(abort "You need to install at least one GUI module.")
(if (not (= 0 (BITAND #gui-options 3))) (
(if (not (exists "MUI:Libs/muimaster.library" (noreq)))
(abort "You need to install MUI 3.8 before you can install GUI "
"modules for Miami.")
(if (< (/ (getversion "MUI:Libs/muimaster.library") 65536) 18)
(abort "Your installed MUI version is too old for Miami 3.0. "
"Please upgrade to MUI 3.8 or higher before installing Miami."
(if (not (= 0 (BITAND #gui-options 8))) (
(if (< #wb-version 44) (
(message "NOTE: When using the ClassAct GUI module it is "
"distribution that comes with OS 3.5 or a later version installed. "
"Earlier versions of ClassAct can cause incorrect behavior "
"of some user interface elements, such as passwords being "
"visible or gadgets not reacting to changes in certain "
(procedure P-check-gui
(if (not (exists (tackon #source-dir #current-gui)))
(abort "Before you can install Miami you first need to\n"
"download and unpack the archives that contain the Miami\n"
"GUI modules you want to install.")
(procedure P-check-guis
(if (= 1 (BITAND #gui-options 1)) (
(set #current-gui "MUI")
(if (= 2 (BITAND #gui-options 2)) (
(set #current-gui "MUI")
(if (= 4 (BITAND #gui-options 4)) (
(set #current-gui "GTLayout")
(if (= 8 (BITAND #gui-options 8)) (
(set #current-gui "ClassAct")
(procedure P-select-gui
(if (= 4 (BITAND #gui-options 4))
((set #gui-choice-gtlayout "GTLayout") (set #gui-choice 2))
(set #gui-choice-gtlayout "")
(if (= 8 (BITAND #gui-options 8))
((set #gui-choice-classact "ClassAct") (set #gui-choice 3))
(set #gui-choice-classact "")
(if (= 1 (BITAND #gui-options 1))
((set #gui-choice-mui "MUI") (set #gui-choice 0))
(set #gui-choice-mui "")
(if (= 2 (BITAND #gui-options 2))
((set #gui-choice-muimwb "MUIMWB") (set #gui-choice 1))
(set #gui-choice-muimwb "")
(set #gui-choice
(prompt "Please select which GUI module you want to use as the default "
"module for Miami")
(help "Miami supports several different user interface engines: "
"MUI, MUIMWB (a version of the MUI module with additional images, "
"for screens with 8 or more colors), and GTLayout "
"(using gtlayout.library, creating GadTools gadgets). Please select "
"which one you want to use as the default. Only modules that you "
"selected for installation earlier can be used. Note: If you have already "
"saved the settings with a Miami version 2.9 or higher then the GUI module "
"you seleted in Miami overrides the choice you make here.")
(choices #gui-choice-mui #gui-choice-muimwb #gui-choice-gtlayout #gui-choice-classact)
(default #gui-choice)
(set #gui-choice-name (select #gui-choice "MUI" "MUIMWB" "GTLayout" "ClassAct"))
(procedure P-select-icon
(if (>= #wb-version 44)
(set #icon-choice-os35 "OS 3.5")
(set #icon-choice-os35 "")
(set #icon-choice
(prompt "Please select which icons you\nwant to use for Miami and\n"
"the utility programs:")
(help "Miami comes with four different\nicon styles. Please select\n"
"the one you prefer.")
(choices "do not install new icons" "standard" "Magic Workbench" "NewIcons"
(procedure P-copy-file
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest @default-dest)
(optional force)
(procedure P-set-tooltypes
(if (not (= #icon-choice 0)) (
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Miami"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "MiamiInit"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "MiamiRegister"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Miami.guide"))
(setdefaulttool #ag-browser)
(procedure P-add-to-startup
(if #old-miami-assign
(if (= (#old-miami-assign-location (expandpath @default-dest)))
(set #change-startup 0)
(set #change-startup 1)
(set #change-startup 1)
(if #change-startup
(set #startup-addition (cat
"assign Miami: \"" (expandpath @default-dest) "\"\n"
(prompt "It is NECESSARY that an assign "
"'Miami:' is created for the Miami installation "
"directory. Would you like Installer "
"to make the required change to your user-startup "
"file ? If you answer 'No' then you need to make the "
"addition yourself, manually, before you can use Miami.")
(help "It is NECESSARY that an assign "
"'Miami:' is created for the Miami installation "
"directory. Would you like Installer "
"to make the required change to your user-startup "
"file ? If you answer 'No' then you need to make the "
"addition yourself, manually, before you can use Miami. "
"You should only answer with 'No' if you prefer to edit "
"the user-startup file yourself. If you answer 'No' then "
"a file 'addition-to-user-startup' will be created in the "
"Miami installation directory instead. You need to add the "
"contents of that file to your user-startup file.")
(choices "Yes" "No")
(startup "Miami"
(command #startup-addition)
(prompt "Installer will modify your s:user-startup "
"script. The following lines will be added:\n\n"
(help "Installer will modify your s:user-startup "
"script. The following lines will be added:\n\n"
(dest (tackon @default-dest "addition-to-user-startup"))
(append #startup-addition)
(procedure P-set-envvars
(set #env-equal-envarc (= (expandpath "ENV:") (expandpath "ENVARC:")))
(if (not (exists "ENV:MIAMI"))
(makedir "ENV:MIAMI")
(if (not #env-equal-envarc)
(if (not (exists "ENVARC:MIAMI"))
(makedir "ENVARC:MIAMI")
(dest "ENV:MIAMI/GUI")
(append #gui-choice-name)
(if (not #env-equal-envarc)
(source "ENV:MIAMI/GUI")
(welcome "Welcome to the Miami 3.2b installation.\n")
(set app-name "Miami 3.2b")
(if @pretend
(abort "Pretend mode cannot be used with this\n"
"installation script.")
(complete 0)
(set #source-dir (if (= 1 (exists @icon)) (pathonly (expandpath @icon))
(expandpath @icon))
(complete 5)
(complete 10)
(complete 15)
(complete 20)
; start actual installation
; delete obsolete files from older Miami versions
(delete (tackon @default-dest "MiamiRemind.doc") (optional force))
(delete (tackon @default-dest "MiamiInitSANA2") (optional force) (infos))
(delete (tackon @default-dest "Miami.000") (optional force) (infos))
(delete (tackon @default-dest "Miami.020") (optional force) (infos))
(delete (tackon @default-dest "Miami.eval") (optional force) (infos))
(complete 25)
; copy Miami binary selected by user
(set #to-copy (select #cpu-choice "000/Miami.000" "020/Miami.020"))
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "Miami")
(optional force)
(complete 30)
; copy individual files
(set #to-copy "main/CHANGES") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/Miami.guide") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiArp") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiFinger") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiIfConfig") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiInit") (P-copy-file)
(complete 40)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiMapMBone") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiMRInfo") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiMRouteD") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiMTrace") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiNetStat") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiPing") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiRegister") (P-copy-file)
(complete 50)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiRemind") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiResolve") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiRoute") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiSysCtl") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiTCPDump") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/MiamiTraceRoute") (P-copy-file)
(complete 60)
; copy libraries
(if (not (exists (tackon @default-dest "Libs")))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(source (tackon #source-dir "main/Libs"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(complete 65)
; copy MNI drivers
(if (not (exists (tackon @default-dest "MNI")))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "MNI"))
(source (tackon #source-dir "main/MNI"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "MNI"))
(optional force)
(complete 70)
; copy GUI modules
(if (= 1 (BITAND #gui-options 1)) (
(source (tackon #source-dir "MUI/MUI.MiamiGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(source (tackon #source-dir "MUI/MUI.MiamiToolsGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(if (= 2 (BITAND #gui-options 2)) (
(run (cat "\"" (tackon #source-dir "MUI/spatch") "\" -oRAM:MUIMWB.MiamiGui \"-p"
(tackon #source-dir "MUI/MUIMWB.pch") "\" \"" (tackon #source-dir "MUI/MUI.MiamiGui") "\""))
(source "RAM:MUIMWB.MiamiGui")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(delete "RAM:MUIMWB.MiamiGui")
(source (tackon #source-dir "MUI/MUI.MiamiToolsGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(if (= 4 (BITAND #gui-options 4)) (
(source (tackon #source-dir "GTLayout/GTLayout.MiamiGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(source (tackon #source-dir "GTLayout/GTLayout.MiamiToolsGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(source (tackon #source-dir "GTLayout/gtlayout.library"))
(dest "LIBS:")
(prompt "The Installer is about to install gtlayout.library "
"in your LIBS: directory.")
(help "The GTLayout GUI module needs gtlayout.library for layout generation. "
"If you skip this step during the installation, you have to "
"install gtlayout.library manually somewhere within your LIBS: "
(if (= 8 (BITAND #gui-options 8)) (
(source (tackon #source-dir "ClassAct/ClassAct.MiamiGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(source (tackon #source-dir "ClassAct/ClassAct.MiamiToolsGui"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Libs"))
(optional force)
(complete 80)
; set icons
(if (not (= #icon-choice 0)) (
(set #to-copy
(select #icon-choice
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest @default-dest)
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "MiamiInit.info")
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "MiamiRegister.info")
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest "ENV:Sys")
(newname "def_MiamiApp.info")
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest "ENV:Sys")
(newname "def_MiamiAppOnline.info")
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest "ENVARC:Sys")
(newname "def_MiamiApp.info")
(source (tackon #source-dir #to-copy))
(dest "ENVARC:Sys")
(newname "def_MiamiAppOnline.info")
(set #to-copy "main/CHANGES.info") (P-copy-file)
(set #to-copy "main/Miami.guide.info") (P-copy-file)
(if (>= #icon-choice 3) (
(if (exists "ENV:Sys/def_amigaguide.info")
(source "ENV:Sys/def_amigaguide.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "Miami.guide.info")
(if (exists "ENV:Sys/def_ascii.info")
(source "ENV:Sys/def_ascii.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(newname "CHANGES.info")
(complete 85)
(complete 90)
(complete 95)
(complete 100)
(exit "The installation of Miami is finished. If you are "
"upgrading from an earlier version of Miami then you need "
"to shut down Miami and execute the Shell command `avail flush'"
"or reboot your computer before starting Miami 3.2b.")